The development of community network in safe medical cannabis, Namsuem subdistrict, Muang district, Uthaithanai

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สิริลักษณ์ รื่นรวย


This research is an action research. The objectives are to study the method of improving the community network in safe medical cannabis, Namsuem subdistrict, Muang district, Uthai Thani, and to study the results accordingly. The samples are the locals in Nam Seum community, Muang district, Uthai Thani who are 18 years old and above. The 200 samples were selected through Simple Random Sampling and Convenience Sampling. The data were collected by the researchers and research assistants; and analyzed by using Pair Sample t-test. 

The results showed that: 1.The method of improving the community network in safe medical cannabis, Namsuem subdistrict, Muang district, Uthai Thani consists of 4 steps: 1.)Preparation 2.)Network formation 3.)Action 4.) Evaluation  2.The results of the improvement in the community network in safe medical cannabis, Namsuem subdistrict, Muang district, Uthai Thani are 2.1)The community network in safe medical cannabis, Namsuem subdistrict, Muang district, Uthai Thani were established to carry out various activities to create the awareness and comprehension of the safe medical cannabis in the community. 2.2)The community network in safe medical cannabis resulted in higher awareness, comprehension, and a better perspective on both the safe medical cannabis product usage and the knowledge sharing to the people at 0.05 significance level 2.3)The approach in improving the community network in safe medical cannabis requires the cooperation from the Public Health organizations at all levels and other related organizations such as the police station, local administrative organizations, the head and committee of the community, etc. to raise the awareness and comprehension of the medical cannabis, the service of medical cannabis clinic; and to prevent the wrong usage.

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How to Cite
รื่นรวย ส. The development of community network in safe medical cannabis, Namsuem subdistrict, Muang district, Uthaithanai. JDPC3 [Internet]. 2021 Apr. 27 [cited 2024 Dec. 4];15(1):5-19. Available from:
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