Evaluation Process on the Intergrated Public Health Strategy Development Project, Phayao Province, for the year 2019

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นงคราญ สกุณาพงศ์


This study aims to evaluate the result of management and operational process .The population and the sample group were selected based on the so-called “purposive sampling” method then divided into 4 subgroups with a total of 97 members that came from the Public Health Planning and Assessment Committee,Provincial public health office, District Public Health Offices and Tambom Health promoting Hospitals .The study was conducted from October 2019 - March 2020.The method of study was undertaken by questionaires  answered by 97 health personnel. Qualitative data was obtained by analyzing  the Comments from the questionnaire . Quantitative data was collected from questionnaires that were analyzed data with a software program by using statistics, frequency value, percentage, average and standard deviation.

          The study result found that on the management process, operators Has planned operations under the integrated public health strategy that is both  activity plans and budget plans. The related networks have acknowledged the implementation of the policy. Establishing an agreement perform official duties affirmative be the cause of operation process monitoring and evaluation got progressive obviously.

          The key successes of this project are  the support from top executives. A good quality collaboration from related affiliated department. Suggestion: the budget should be allocated for the project management appropriately and aplenty. System supervision side should have establishing quality supervision plans from the beginning of the fiscal year. The monitoring side should have the tracking wherewith participation by emphasize the problem in evaluated point. There should have to clarify staff to be informed and understood about the evaluation criteria for each indicator from the beginning of the fiscal year. As a result, Phayao Provincial Public Health Office has somewhat policies and procedures graphically. Meanwhile, working for achievement must entrust with integrated participatory operations of all related departments that will make it all accomplish specified goal.

Keyword: Process Evaluation, Strategy Development, Public Health Strategy, Integration

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How to Cite
สกุณาพงศ์ น. Evaluation Process on the Intergrated Public Health Strategy Development Project, Phayao Province, for the year 2019. JDPC3 [Internet]. 2021 Aug. 6 [cited 2024 Dec. 23];15(2):31-4. Available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JDPC3/article/view/245141
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