Result of Health Literacy Model Procedure of Tuberculosis for 7 risk groups in Regional Health Area 3.

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ศศิกานต์ มาลากิจสกุล


This study was a quasi-experimental research conducted on 323 samples from seven tuberculosis risk-prone groups including physical contactors, above-sixty-year-old elderlies, diabetic patients, prisoners, HIV infected, healthcare personnel and foreign workers/slum area residents. The samples were selected by Multi-stage Sampling from Fiscal Year 2019, Regional Health Area 3’s database of 3,162 registered people from the risk groups. The purposes of the study were to 1) study the results of health literacy model procedure of tuberculosis for seven risk groups in Regional Health Area 3 from October 1, 2019 to September 30, 2020 by situation analysis, risk group identification, and enhancing knowledge on tuberculosis decease following six elements of V-shape Model: Access, Understand, Questioning, Decision making, Apply, and Communication, and to 2) compare the samples’ pre- and post-procedure knowledge on tuberculosis decease with 4 criteria as Fail, Fair, Good, and Very Good. The data were statistically analyzed by Frequency Distributions, Mean, Arithmetic Mean, Standard Deviation, and Independent Sample T-test.

                The finding indicated that the samples were identified as 113 elderlies (34.98%), 78 physical contactors (24.15%), and 44 diabetic patients (13.62%). Their post-procedure knowledge on tuberculosis decease was higher that the pre-procedure one with statistical significance at 0.05, which the pre-procedure knowledge was at Fair level (69.43%), while the post-procedure one was at Very Good level (85.41%).

                The results of health literacy model procedure of tuberculosis for seven risk groups in Regional Health Area 3 led to the higher knowledge and understanding on tuberculosis decease of the seven risk groups, making them confident to protect themselves, their families, and communities from the decease. It also suggested that the gradual evaluation was required to improve the model for being up-to-date with the problematic decease and threat, as long as to make long-lasting understanding in the area.

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มาลากิจสกุล ศ. Result of Health Literacy Model Procedure of Tuberculosis for 7 risk groups in Regional Health Area 3. JDPC3 [Internet]. 2021 Apr. 27 [cited 2024 Jun. 30];15(1):20-9. Available from:


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