Evaluate the Monitoring Quality of Coin-operated Drinking Water Vending Machines and Law Enforcement under the Public Health Act 1992 and Amended of Kamphaeng Phet Province

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นางสาววรีรัตน์ สุนทรสุข


This descriptive study aimed to evaluate the monitoring quality of coin-operated drinking water vending machines and law enforcement under the Public Health Act 1992 and amended of Kamphaeng Phet province year 2019 by using the CIPP Model of Daniel L. Stufflebeam which evaluated 4 aspects in environmental or Context, Input, Process, and Product. The study samples composed of 4 groups consisting 89 local government organization administrators, 4 administrators of local administrative organizations issuing local ordinances on Control of the water vending machine, 38 coin-operated drinking water vending machines and 114 coin-operated drinking water vending machines users.    The data collected from 2 sources were primary data as quantitative and qualitative information by questionnaires and interview forms and secondary data from reports and related documents.

            The results revealed the context found that the local government organization in Kamphaeng Phet province issued 62 Local laws (69.7%) to control all activities that harmful to health, 4 local control of operation (4.5%) to control coin-operated drinking water vendor. From the environmental survey, the 42.1% of drinking water vending machines located in front of the household, all water sources were from tap water. The location of the water vending machine was found 71.1% far from a dusty area waste water and waste, 81.6% free of insect and pest and 79.0% of the area was not wet and dirty with hygienic drainage. This monitoring quality of coin-operated drinking water vendor in Kamphaeng Phet province consisted with the 20-year national strategy for sustainable development goals (SDGs) and the 20-year water resource management master plan, as well as the policy of the Department of Health Ministry of Public Health which encourages local administrative organizations to develop a quality system for controlling the operation of the Environmental Health Accreditation (EHA) to meet the standard criteria and made the recommendations to develop the Guidelines for local government  to control  coin-operated drinking water vendor of Ministry of Public Health in year 2010. Regarding the input, the 4 local administrative organizations issued the responsible person but not enough, most organizations (75%) did not set a budget and prepare materials for implementation. Regarding the process, 50% had relevant plans, projects or activities with clear framework everywhere, the staff personnel were trained the law under the Public Health Act 1992, 50% had public communication for entrepreneurs and people in the area. Regarding the product, 75% had the enforcement of the law the engagement and monitor, 68.4% had the recognition and acceptance of the law, 79.0% accepted the law at high level. Regarding the user behavior, 31.6% used coin-operated drinking water vending machine daily, 24.0% had the reason of usage from near the accommodation location,  40.4% used 5 liters plastic bottles, 80.4% cleaned the containers by water cleansing (65.8%), and 98.2% did not treat the water quality before usage. Regarding the water quality, the tap water before entering the machine were found residual free chlorine in the water does not pass the criteria 89.5% and Coliform bacteria in water 39.5 %.

            This study suggested the vending machine business is harmful to health which may affect public health, so the local government organization to issue local ordinances should carry out the local provisions on the regulation of the operation of coin-operated water vending machine in according to the Public Health Act B.E. 2535 to control,   supervise and monitor the machine operation in the responsible area and publicize to educate the public and consumers in choosing a hygienic coin-operated drinking water machine with standard certification marks as well as having a proper habit of using a coin-operated drinking water machine.  The relevant government agencies must act to drive the local government organization issue local ordinances and law enforcement appropriately in according to the context of the area through the mechanism of the provincial public health committee.

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How to Cite
สุนทรสุข น. Evaluate the Monitoring Quality of Coin-operated Drinking Water Vending Machines and Law Enforcement under the Public Health Act 1992 and Amended of Kamphaeng Phet Province . JDPC3 [Internet]. 2021 Jan. 13 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];14(3):42-55. Available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JDPC3/article/view/244533
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