Evaluation of Prison Project to share Doing Good to the Nation Religion and King in Health Region 3, 2020

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นางดุษฎี นรศาศวัต


The aims of this study were to evaluate the effectiveness of Prison project’s presenting policy for doing good to the nation, religion, and king in health region 3, 2020, and to gain more suggestion in policy and in practical terms for improving these into suitable areas through using the idea of this evaluated policy combined with the development of public health service system in prison. This research used the data in quantity and quality to evaluate between February to June 2020. The populations were the people who involved in the development process in public health systems in prison, region 3. The samples were divided into 3 groups; 1)  26 persons in charge of prison project in region, district, hospital, and prison in health region 3 ( 5 districts including Nakhon-Sawan, Khamphaeng-Phet, Uthai-Thani, Phi-Chit, and Chai-Nat), 2) 6 wardens, and 3) 1,388 inmates in 5 prisons and one correctional institution.  The eight tools were used including online survey for officers, in- depth interview for prison wardens, groups’ conversation survey, inmate survey, PS. 1 report , PS. 2 report, and PS. 101-102 report. The quantity data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and the quality data were used content analysis. The successful evaluation of policy including political status was the support this policy through involved unit with network from country to practical areas. The results found that there were fast communication in application (92.31 %), the cooperation between network (80.77 %),   the monitoring (100.00 %), the knowing of the prison project to inmate (85.88%), and six composition health care service for prisoner (85.45%). The part of non-effective policy were the clarify of policy and high levels of practical (67.31 %), sufficient resources for prison project (68.27%), the high levels of satisfy for officer to prison project (73.08 %), and the high levels of satisfy for prisoners to prison project (66.86 %). The researcher provided the suggestion in the term of policy, the suggestion for practical, and the suggestion from prisoners to bring the next high effectiveness and suitable in areas.

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How to Cite
นรศาศวัต น. Evaluation of Prison Project to share Doing Good to the Nation Religion and King in Health Region 3, 2020. JDPC3 [Internet]. 2021 Jan. 13 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];14(3):29-41. Available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JDPC3/article/view/244324
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