Evaluation of the Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention and Solution Project in Nakhon Sawan province

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This research was an evaluation of Adolescent Pregnancy prevention and solving Project in Nakhonsawan province. It was mixed-method research as a concurrent parallel design that comprised of qualitative research and descriptive research. Data collection used lessons learned among network and project’s effectiveness record then synthesized to proposed policy for improving the project. This project was subsidized from Thai health promotion foundation during 2015 – 2019. The study setting was the district and sub district that had a high rate of teen pregnancy and good participation of local governments to solve this problem. They have included 4 districts as Muang, Thakli, Nongboa, and Maewong (8 sub districts). to employ 9 missions : 1) Leadership and accountability development for strengthening the stakeholder to prevent and solve Adolescent Pregnancy. They initiated the cooperation by appointing the district and provincial child protection committee and signing the MOU.                

2) Health care providers had been promoted parents’ skills as talking to their teens about relationship, love, and sex by initiating the parenting course.             3) Setting a mechanism to promote schools’ manners about teaching their students about life’s skills and comprehensive sexuality education.            4) Determined the risky group among teens by teen risk screening, record in a database,and focused intervention for Adolescent Pregnancy prevention in their contexts.      5) Communication campaigns about improving teen consideration on sex, delayed first sexual relationship, and effective contraceptive use in teens.     6) Promote youth-friendly health services that were comprehensive and easy access and enhance YFHS providers’ capacity in health promoting hospitals to provide standard care.

7) Promote comprehensive services to solve teens who faced with their problems. The comprehensive services were integrated health, education and social. Stakeholders had cooperated to solve teen’s problems at first contact to end of the point. Problem solving promoted teen participation to make the decision.    8) Local governments promote a creative area and subsidize resources for teens to act in creative activities in their communities. These could increase teen’s self-esteem, promote teen’s decision making and cooperating for doing activities.                 9) Develop the database for monitoring and evaluation of the project and knowledge management. This  database had collected both quantitative data and qualitative data that showed their works. Then report in the committee meeting .             

            Results showed: after 3 years working, there was a good change of Adolescent Pregnancy. Networks pooled efforts to solve and prevent Adolescent Pregnancy. Lastly, the governor launched the provincial policy to attack the Adolescent Pregnancy. Proposed policy were: 1) Adolescent Pregnancy surveillance and activities should focus in upper elementary school (P. 4 – 6) 2) promote teens’ participation in all activities of Adolescent Pregnancy prevention and control 3) working should be based on evidence based practices as action research and                       4) program should involve teens’ family and include all range of age among students

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How to Cite
KLINMAN S. Evaluation of the Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention and Solution Project in Nakhon Sawan province . JDPC3 [Internet]. 2021 Apr. 27 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];14(2):51-67. Available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JDPC3/article/view/241317
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