Scenario of the Prevention and Control of Diseases for Primary Care Unit in the Next Decade (A.D.2019-2028): Region Public Health 3rd

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Paitoon Ongate
Sawat Apiwachaneewong
Sawanya Siriphakhamongkhon


The three purposes of this study were firstly; to improve the Scenario of the Prevention and Control of Diseases for Primary Care Unit in the Next Decade in region public health 3rd, secondly; to assess the effectiveness of the model and lastly; to offer the alternative. Data of mixed method were collected by in-depth interview, questionnaire and focus group discussion, respectively. The sample size was 23 participants from administrators and workers who had some experience in Primary Care Cluster by purposive sampling, between January and June 2019. The Scenario improvement and the effectiveness of the model were analyzed by content analysis and descriptive statistic and the alternative was analyze by the Structural Equation Model, respectively. The three findings were as follows: 1) The result of content analysis revealed that the five elements that associated with scenario were: (1) information technology (2) cooperation (3) service (4) integration and (5) innovation. 2) The result of connoisseurship exhibited that the 59 variables in 5 elements of Scenario of the Prevention and Control of Diseases for Primary Care Unit were reduced into 29 variables in 5 elements to be compose of : (1) 5 variables in information technology element ,(2) 6 variables in cooperation elements, (3) 9 variables in service elements, (4) 5 variables in integration element and (5) 4 variables in innovation element . 3) Structural Equation Model for Scenario of the Prevention and Control of Diseases for Primary Care Unit was composed of cooperation and integration element both factors affected on information technology element. Furthermore, the Structural Equation Model could explain service elements for prevention and control by 95 percent statistically significant at 0.001 level. From research finding, it was indicated that the policy maker should consider the development of variables from elements in order to achieve a target goal in the future.

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How to Cite
Ongate P, Apiwachaneewong S, Siriphakhamongkhon S. Scenario of the Prevention and Control of Diseases for Primary Care Unit in the Next Decade (A.D.2019-2028): Region Public Health 3rd. JDPC3 [Internet]. 2020 Apr. 17 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];14(1):55-67. Available from:
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