Indoor air quality and Its effect on health of healthcare workers in operating rooms of two hospitals.

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รชนีกร วีระเจริญ
Nuttapong Laemunn
Chayapon Jongcharoen


Indoor air quality is the one of health determinant factors. Building Dampness leads to microbacterial contamination in indoor air, which affect Indoor air quality. Indoor air quality in Operation room effect to workers’ health and incident of post-operative infection. This survey aims to assess air pollutant and the quality of indoor air and to evaluate health problem of Healthcare workers in the operation room.

Results found that Most of the operating room’s indoor air quality measurement, including relative humidity is in the standard, but for the PM10 measurement, there’re four rooms in hospital no.1 that’s not meet the standard. The results of total bacterial count found that there’re four measurement points that total bacterial count of air sampling are higher than the recommendation and the highest point is 1418 CFU/m3 in the hospital no.1. The results of the worker’s interview found that the worker from hospitals NO.1 report their eye and nose symptoms which consistent with results of PM10 measurement and total bacteria count. The indoor air quality of operation rooms which do not meet criteria should be corrected by source elimination and maintain ventilating and air conditioning systems to decrease health risk of workers and patients.

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How to Cite
วีระเจริญ ร, Laemunn N, Jongcharoen C. Indoor air quality and Its effect on health of healthcare workers in operating rooms of two hospitals. JDPC3 [Internet]. 2020 Aug. 28 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];14(2):38-50. Available from:


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