Factors affecting organization commitment of personnel in Office of Disease Prevention and Control 8, Nakhonsawan Province.

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ศราวุธ โภชนะสมบัติ


This descriptive and analytical study aimed to investigate the factors Factors influencing  organization commitment of all personnel in Office of Disease Prevention and Control 8, Nakhonsawan Province. The data were collected by using questionnaire in 118 personnel in Nakhonsawan Office of Disease Prevention and Control 8. All data were analyzed by descriptive study such as frequency, percentage and standard deviation. Independent t-test was used for comparing factors between groups. One-Way ANOVA (F-test) was also applied to analyze variables with more than two groups. Scheffe’s method test was used for comparing the data in pair group and Chi-square test was analyzed for finding the associated factors.   

          The results have shown that female was more than male in answering the questionnaire. and mostly was married. Education level was bachelor degree or equivalent to bachelor degree. The work duration was more than 15 years in government officer position with salary more than 25,000 baht. Factors associated with organization commitment were individual factors, types of work, types of organization and work experience. The overall level of organization commitment was in the middle level. When investigate the mean level in each part, the data was shown from maximum to minimum levels as follows; standard of organization, feeling to organization and work remaining with organization. Regarding the maintenance of organization commitment and promote the organization commitment improvement, it should be set all of these issues in systematic process by firstly start with listening all opinions, suggestions, requests and comments from employees or all personnel towards incentive, salary or other facility supports for proper living including promote of harmony in work organization by setting annual recreation or sport activities in work organization. These activities should be promoted as a social norm in the organization as all personnel are satisfied and willing to work for the organization and would like to see the organization achievement. 

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How to Cite
โภชนะสมบัติ ศ. Factors affecting organization commitment of personnel in Office of Disease Prevention and Control 8, Nakhonsawan Province. JDPC3 [Internet]. 2019 Aug. 13 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];12(1):37-49. Available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JDPC3/article/view/208937


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