The Development of District Health Board’s Potential for Aging Health Care of Uttaradit province

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มาลี โชคเกิด


The purpose of this research was to develop the potential of Auttradit District Health Board : DHB for aging health care.   Applying Research and Development was approached. The data collecting and verifying were mixed methodological method. The data collected were using by questionnaires with 765 purposive samplings of aging and DHBs. In-depth interviewed on Qualitative research was using Structured interviews on 9 purposive samplings of each. Basic data analysis and content analysis were used.

The result of aging’s top three opinions and needs were Income Maintenance, Safty in life and property and Health care. The research found that Local Administrative Organization’s  potential was good in the income social security but needs to improve leadership’s potential,also needs to have network integration. According to the purpose, exhibited that  there are 4 methods to develop the potential of Auttradit District Health Board : DHB for aging health care, consist of 1) Human resource development, 2) Participatory promotion, 3) Work system development and 4) Health Supportive Environment creation. The potential development resulted that the health network perceived more knowledge, learned more from former work system failure and developed new process to accomplish success. Moreover, there are trusted and up to date database combined with supportive environment which can be directly applied with others network suggestion to drive the system and use for develop others system under District Health Board framework.

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How to Cite
โชคเกิด ม. The Development of District Health Board’s Potential for Aging Health Care of Uttaradit province. JDPC3 [Internet]. 2019 Aug. 13 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];11(2):77-89. Available from:


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