Assessment of disability and social - economic problems and needs for rehabilitation of leprosy victims in Chai Nat Province.

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ศักดา ทองดีเพ็ง


This research was a survey research aimed to studying the disability, socio-economic problems and the need for rehabilitation in leprosy victims. Data were collected during February 1-16, 2560, in Chai Nat Province, with the instruments of Raj PrachaSamasai Instituteand analyze the data by number and percentage.The results of the study found that the majority of leprosy victims are female, rather than males, over 60 years old, graduated primary and non-occupational and average monthly income of family is between 2,000 - 5,000 Baht. The leprosy victims do not use disability aids because of access, defects and the improper use of assistive devices. Glasses and stave are the most common equipment for leprosy victims. In addition, leprosy victims have numbness in the hands and feet which it is difficult to walk or up the stairs. The majority of leprosy victims have a level 2 disability, according to the World Health Organization. The eyes, hands and feet were disabled and those with disabilities and those with wounds in the body. Including, the feeling was stigmatized such as do not dare leave home because of embarrassment, people and society do not accept.Based on the state of the problem, the information was provided to the rehabilitation plan and provides the necessary support which collaborated with relevant agencies to assist.

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How to Cite
ทองดีเพ็ง ศ. Assessment of disability and social - economic problems and needs for rehabilitation of leprosy victims in Chai Nat Province. JDPC3 [Internet]. 2019 Aug. 13 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];11(3):24-36. Available from:
Researce Article


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