Socio- Demographic and Health Factors Influencing on Preventive Behavior of Influenza Virus in Patients with Diabetes in Nakhon Sawan Province

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สวรรยา สิริภคมงคล


The objective of this cross-sectional study was to examine factors that affecting on knowledge and preventive behavior of influenza. Data were collected by interview during a seasonal influenza vaccination campaign between 1 June and 30 July 2016, the sample size was 312 samples by two-stage sampling.  The regression model could explain influenza knowledge and preventive influenza behavior by16.50 and 19 percent. Sex, age, year of education, occupation, had been sick, had received vaccine strongly related to influenza knowledge and sex, year of education, area of resident and influenza knowledge strongly related to preventive behavior a statistically significant difference at 0.001, respectively. Policymakers should consider the factors that had great influence on influenza knowledge and preventive behavior by setting the model of promoting and improving behavior of prevention influenza especially patients with diabetes .

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สิริภคมงคล ส. Socio- Demographic and Health Factors Influencing on Preventive Behavior of Influenza Virus in Patients with Diabetes in Nakhon Sawan Province. JDPC3 [Internet]. 2019 Aug. 11 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];12(2):26-40. Available from:


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