The Risk Assessment for Health of Informal Workers :The sewing and the product of fabric Uthai Thani Province

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ยุพิน อินพิทักษ์


This research was analytical survey research to analyze and assess the health risks of informal workers, case study of sewing and the product of fabric in Uthai Thani province and study the support requirements for reducing the risks, this study has 220 samples. Data were collected by health risk assessment form of informal workers, Department of Disease Control analyze data with percentage, Chi-square test and Fisher’s exact test. The results showed that the most informal workers were the female 99.09 percent , 46.36  percent in the age group 50-59 years , 71.28 percent of workers was found to cause injuries or illnesses, 50.91 percent of workers was aware of their own injuries and co-worker, 49.55 percent the work conditions are organized to prevent  harm, 60 percent  do not drink  alcohol, 96.36 percent do not smoking, and 39.55  percent  had underlying disease, the most underlying disease was hypertension and diabetes. 80 percent of most informal workers had experience a minor accident without stopping the work and 89.55 percent no use personal protective equipment while working. When evaluating the level of risk, most of the risk was at a medium level of 64.55%. In addition, found working conditions such as work in a posture that causes pain, dust exposure and problems with eyesight, as a result, informal workers have a significant effect of a statistical illness. Informal workers need support such as health check-up, knowledge and personal protective equipment 98.18 percent. Researchers have developed action plans to provide concrete support and risk management.

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How to Cite
อินพิทักษ์ ย. The Risk Assessment for Health of Informal Workers :The sewing and the product of fabric Uthai Thani Province. JDPC3 [Internet]. 2019 Aug. 11 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];12(2):15-2. Available from:
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