Factors Affecting on External Integrity and Transparency of Assessment in Community Hospital, Sukhothai

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ทิพวรรณ์ ขำโท้


The two aims of this research were to explore  factors and create the equation of predictive factors affecting on transparency and morality from external stakeholders.  In a cross sectional study design, 400 recipients and stakeholders were selected at the community hospital in Sukhothai Province during February 2019, The test validity value and reliability value of  questionnaire  were slightly high, had a validity of 0.80 and  a reliability of 0.70  Factors that affecting with external integrity and transparency of assessment were analyzed by employing  multiple regression analysis. The results show that  most of samples were female , age of 41-60 years, education level lower than a bachelor's degree, average income per month higher than 10,000 baht and reason of coming to hospital as patient.  The correlation among variables showed that the readiness of liability had the highest association with morality and transparency operation (r = 0.83), transparency (r = 0.68) and  morality of performance (r = 0.55), respectively at significantly statistical difference level 0.01. Furthermore, the regression  model  could be reported as 72 percent of the variance in morality and transparency operation  can be predicted by measures of the liability free from corruption in operations, transparency, free from corruption in operations and attitude towards morality and transparency in public service at significantly statistical difference level 0.01.  The result suggestion should improve the moral performance transparency of community hospitals planning in the future.

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How to Cite
ขำโท้ ท. Factors Affecting on External Integrity and Transparency of Assessment in Community Hospital, Sukhothai. JDPC3 [Internet]. 2019 Aug. 11 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];13(1):25-33. Available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JDPC3/article/view/208517
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