Descriptive study diabetics are at risk of coronary heart disease and stroke in Specialized diabetes clinic in Phaisali Hospital Ampur Phaisali Nakhon Sawan Province .

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สุรัตน์ บุญยืน


Patients with coronary heart disease and stroke is increased. The cause of these diseases. Most came from diabetes. When patients already caused complications. Thus increasing the workload  problems in the public health increases. Patient Care Screening and prevention patients to avoid complications in the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. It is the right thing to do

research in this A  Descriptive Study  is the specialty clinic for diabetes. Phaisali Nakhon Sawan district hospital. Sample Patients with diabetes who received treatment at the clinic for an extra six months of  2,881  by collecting data from medical records and the HOSxP program . The data derived risk assessment of 10 years (10-year CV risk score) using QRISK®2-2016 cardiovascular disease risk calculator in the period May 2558 to April 2559 month data analysis. Descriptive statistics were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and Chi-Square Test .    

           The study found that most of the samples was 72.33 percent in females. In old age, aged 51 to 60 years, 32.63 percent. The average age of 60.21 years, 99.21 percent of diabetics are type 2 (DM Type II) index. body mass, fat percentage, the second period was 38.70 percent, 47.90 complications of diabetes 1-5 years the kidney CKD stage IV, V 2.82 percent, 1.84 percent, respectively, have heart disease arrhythmias (AF) is 1.32 percent. Disease hypertension with 80.42 percent. Chest pain symptom have 1.25 percent . HbA1c levels were more > 7%  49.01 percent blood cholesterol levels over 200 mg / dl level of 42.87 percent. The Triglyceride than 150 mg / dl of 48.69 percent , the risk of stroke and cardiovascular CV risk score 20 - 30 (high risk) of 16.28 percent and CV risk score > 30 (very high risk and danger) of. 12.81 percent. The low-risk patients taking ASA group 67.55 percent, medium risk taking ASA group and 72.31 percent and higher risk of not taking ASA 27.11 percent. In study ASA taking not appropriate. And the study found Triglyceride levels Microalbumin level and duration of diabetes. Sample Is associated with risk of stroke and coronary heart disease.  Feedback evaluating the risk of stroke and heart are still other factors involved. So to crawl Learn more The result was Adapted to patient care, effective next.

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How to Cite
บุญยืน ส. Descriptive study diabetics are at risk of coronary heart disease and stroke in Specialized diabetes clinic in Phaisali Hospital Ampur Phaisali Nakhon Sawan Province . JDPC3 [Internet]. 2019 Aug. 10 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];11(1):20-32. Available from:


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