Competencies of Elderly nursing to the Elderly healthcare services in the community of Nursingstudents, Boromarajonani College of Nursing Udon Thani.

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สิริอร ข้อยุ่น


The purpose of this research was to study about competencies of elderly nursing to the elderly healthcare services in the community of nursing students, Boromarajonani College of Nursing Udon Thani.The sample consisted of 93 nursing students in the 2nd year. They were collected data while they had been practiced in the elderly nursing practice area. Reseach toolswere questionnaires for nursing students assessing competencies of elderly nursing in the community. The reliability of the questionnaireswere test by using Cronbach's alpha coefficient formula were 0.95. Data were analyzed using frequency distribution, mean and standard deviation.

The results of this research were found that competencies of elderly nursing in the community of nursing students were at good level of all aspects. There are 4 aspects of competencies : Competency in Ethical, Competency in empowerment and quality of care for the elderly, Competency in Holistic health promotion And Competency in ability to search and empirical evidence, respectively.

The study suggested that used to develop about teaching and learning management in elderly nursing. To be effective to provide nursing students have good features and conform to the needs of the healthcare services and community systems.

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ข้อยุ่น ส. Competencies of Elderly nursing to the Elderly healthcare services in the community of Nursingstudents, Boromarajonani College of Nursing Udon Thani. JDPC3 [Internet]. 2020 Jan. 14 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];13(3):12-24. Available from:
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