Participation and Power of health Leaders with Sub-district Health Management level. Chainat Province.

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สุวรรณา เกศธนากร



                The purpose of this research for study  participating   and the power of health mainstay and operating Sub-district level manage the health  Chai Nat.  study use science research manner quality way  by collect data from health mainstay in the Sub-district manages the health  Chai Nat  in the year 2559 at bear fruit the assessment follows the level of location development, in the level is excellent , the level is excellent , and good level, 62 person amounts, by the way, talks the group  and interviewing manner deep. Data analysis with the way analyses the substance and check trilateral from the informant differently.

               The results of this research  health mainstay in the level is excellent, the level is excellent, participate in operating Sub-district manages the health every the step, for example, team health development, the arrangement does footpath strategy map , the driving moves health plan to the practice , administration system manages continuously  and  the Sub-district manages good way Thai original health, level good mainstay health part lacks the continuity in the administration manages , bing place learns between the community.  The power of health mainstay  not different  in the sense of the assistance and support  news information side  resource side  and  chance side  by health mainstay can appreciate assistance place supports data information source  data side resource   from the colleague and people  have admitted include the assistance supports from  government sector  The private  and organization group in the area  by health source mainstay from leader community agent  and public health permanent village volunteer  will participate. The important in appreciating data source make the work accomplishes to go to without trouble that important health mainstay that has many social positions in one person has will the power in oneself having helps to support appreciate the resource news information that better health mainstay that has just one position. The except receiving a chance to affect build health not different mainstay.


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How to Cite
เกศธนากร ส. Participation and Power of health Leaders with Sub-district Health Management level. Chainat Province. JDPC3 [Internet]. 2020 Jan. 14 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];13(3):37-46. Available from:
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