Quality of Life among Clients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

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สุวรรณี สร้อยสงค์



The purpose of this study aimed to study the Quality of Life (QoL) among  clients in type 2 diabetes patients (T2DM). Within 290 participants in type 2 diabetes patients (T2DM) who seeking treatments in DM clinic at out-patient department, Phrae Hospital, Phrae Province. A questionnaire consisted of two parts was used to elicit indices quality of life on participants including 1) Socio-demographic data and health profile ; 2) The Thai version of a Quality of life (Diabetes-39) which consisted of 39 items of QOL, one item of overall level of QOL. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics.

Results showed that most of them  were females with 60.30 % and aged more than 60 years with 54.50 %. Most patients (41.90 %) had obesity such as BMI >25 kg/m2; they had HbA1c > 7% with 57.40 %. The overall score of QOL was moderate (Mean=4.735, SD=1.363). The most important problems affecting  the diabetes clients were Energy and mobility (EM) and Diabetes Control (DC) dimensions. Conclusions:  the healthcare professionals should find a new project  or a method to promote health by to cooperation with a local healthcare center to access in elderly living in communities for and adapt their lifestyles. In addition to, these clients should mange themselves about factors affecting glycemic control and protect diabetic complications in individual and family level. Moreover, it is important to enhance supports of the family in particular the client would improve a quality of life.

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How to Cite
สร้อยสงค์ ส. Quality of Life among Clients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. JDPC3 [Internet]. 2019 Aug. 21 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];13(2):37-49. Available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JDPC3/article/view/183196
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