Epidemiological Situation Analysis and Prognostic of Syphilis in Migrant Workers Health Area 3, 2008-2017.

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นายพฤกษ์ศราวุฐิ จักร์สวย


This study aims to analyze the epidemiological situation and prognosis of syphilis in migrant workers, Health area 3 from 2008 to 2017. To examination descriptive characteristics and prognostic to forecasts the number of patients during the year 2561 by Time series analysis, exponential smoothing technique and simple Seasonal method. Secondary data of passive surveillance (R506 reported system) was used for analysis.

Study result showed that, health area 3, there were 115 syphilis patients during 2008 – 2016 with no death. Morbidity rate in 2016 was 157.23 per 100,000 populations. Ratio of female to male was 2.38: 1. Age 25 – 34 was highest morbidity of 385.46 per 100,000 populations, with followed by age 35 – 44 and age 15 – 24 year, 262.45 and 237.84 per 100,000 populations respectively. Among migrant workers, Myanmar nationality was 89.56%, Cambodia 7.83% and Laos 2.61%. Kampangphet province had highest morbidity rate of 541.29, then Nakhon sawan 541.29 and Chainat 90.21 per 100,000 populations. In term of occupations, employees accounted for 86.96%, housewife 6.96% and fishery 4.37%. In 2017, prevalence of syphilis was higher than 5 years median. It is estimated that in 2018 the number of syphilis will be highest in third trimester. According to upward trend of syphilis patients among migrants, health area 3 should have an appropriate policy to control and prevention

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How to Cite
จักร์สวย น. Epidemiological Situation Analysis and Prognostic of Syphilis in Migrant Workers Health Area 3, 2008-2017. JDPC3 [internet]. 2019 Mar. 18 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];12(3):19-25. available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JDPC3/article/view/182506
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