Development of health promotion program regarding health literacy on risk reduction of pesticide use among corn field farmers in Phayao province


  • Taweewun Srisookkum Faculty of Medicine, Chiang Mai University
  • Ratana Sapbamrer Faculty of Medicine, Chiang Mai University



corn field farmers, , health promotion program, pesticides, health literacy


This mixed method research (embedded experimental design) aimed to examine the effect of the health promotion program regarding health literacy on risk reduction of pesticide use among corn field farmers in Phayao province. We recruited 80 participants including community leaders, corn farmers and researchers by purposive sampling and cluster sampling. Research instruments were focus groups guidelines, health literacy test, community forum guidelines, after action review guidelines and the health promotion program. Data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics, Friedman test, Mann Witney-U test and content analysis. The research results revealed this health promotion program regarding health literacy on risk reduction of pesticides use was an eight-week developed program, consisted of 7 activities as follows; meeting; consensus meeting; participatory lecture; self-learning; demonstration; backward demonstration, and individual stimulation. The mean score of the intervention group was significantly increased compared with the comparative group (p-value<0.001). At 4 weeks and 8 weeks, the mean score of the comparative group was significantly decreased compared with the intervention group(p-value<0.01). The comparative of the mean score between the intervention group and the comparative group, before and after intervention, was statistically significant different at the p-value<0.05 and p-value<0.01. The developed program enhances the higher health literacy scores among participants. The health facilities should apply or implement this program to promote health literacy on pesticide use risk among farmers in the areas with similar context.


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How to Cite

Srisookkum T, Sapbamrer R. Development of health promotion program regarding health literacy on risk reduction of pesticide use among corn field farmers in Phayao province. Dis Control J [internet]. 2021 Sep. 28 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];47(3):571-83. available from:



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