Personal Development of Occupational Therapist by Deep Listening

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Aungkana Sankhum



Occupational therapy aims to restore clients’ performance of life activities at their maximum potential. The therapist is a media to induce a client’s inner power to practice the meaningful activities. The efficacy of occupational therapy depends on the therapist-client relationship and the depth of therapist understands of the client’s inner motivation which is revealed by “deep listening”. Participants of this participatory action research were 5 occupational therapists from a psychiatric hospital. This research aimed to conduct deep listening activities as a tool for self-development of occupational therapists and evaluated the results. Data were collected by in-depth interviews and focus group interviews.


The deep listening activities used in this research were designed based on contemplative education concept; to emphasize introspection and to promote practice continuum. The activities consisted of 1) a learning community 2) contemplative learning workshops and 3) journal writing. All participants felt self-awareness, which leads to self-acceptance, and understanding of others. Since their sense of self-centeredness was declined and the viewpoint on life was more realistic, they learned to handle problems with intelligence rather than reaction. Thus the relationship to others and self-confidence were improved. Some participants also mentioned that their perception was more sensitive.   


Practicing deep listening is essential for the self-development of the therapist, which is consistent with the core concept of occupational therapy about the therapeutic use of self and therapeutic relationship.

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