Effect of the Multi-Channel Motivational Enhancement Therapy Program on Amphetamine Use Behaviors Among Persons with Amphetamine Use Disorder

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Borwornpob Prabmaroeng
Hunsa Sethabouppha
Chalinee Suvanayos


Objective: This research aimed to investigate the effect of the multi-channel motivational enhancement therapy program on amphetamine use behaviors among persons with amphetamine use disorder.

            Materials and methods: This research is a quasi-experimental study. The sample group consisted of 32 individuals receiving inpatient treatment for amphetamine use disorder at the Nakhon Ratchasima Rajanagarindra Psychiatric Hospital. The research tools included: 1) a personal information questionnaire, 2) the alcohol, smoking and substance involvement screening test (ASSIST-ATS), 3) the stages of change readiness and treatment eagerness scale (SOCRATES-8A), and 4) the multi-channel motivational enhancement therapy program. Data analysis was performed using descriptive statistics, independent sample t-tests, and paired t-tests.

            Results: The results of the research revealed that the mean score for amphetamine use behavior in the experimental group in the four-week period after receiving the multi-channel motivational enhancement therapy program (  = 9.75, SD = 5.16) was lower than that before receiving the program (  = 28.63, SD = 1.78) with statistical significance (p < .01) and was lower than that of the control group (  = 17.13, SD = 7.94) with statistical significance (p < .05)

            Conclusion: The multi-channel motivational enhancement therapy program can enhance motivation and can help reduce amphetamine use behavior.

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How to Cite
Prabmaroeng, B., Sethabouppha , H. ., & Suvanayos, C. . (2024). Effect of the Multi-Channel Motivational Enhancement Therapy Program on Amphetamine Use Behaviors Among Persons with Amphetamine Use Disorder. Academic Psychiatry and Psychology Journal, 40(3), 13–27. retrieved from https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/APPJ/article/view/272161
Original article (นิพนธ์ต้นฉบับ)
Author Biographies

Borwornpob Prabmaroeng, Nakhon Ratchasima Rajanagarindra Psychiatric Hospital



Hunsa Sethabouppha , Faculty of Nursing Chiang Mai University




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