Reliability and Validity of Advance Warning of Relapse Questionnaire : Thai Version

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Panu Khuwuthyakorn
Jarunee ratsamesuwiwat



Objective: The purpose of this study was to test the internal consistency and content validity of the Advance Warning of Relapse Questionnaire: Thai Version

Materials and Methods: Forward-backward translation techniques were used to study the reliability and validity of Advance Warning of Relapse Questionnaire: Thai Version. The sample were patients with alcohol dependence who received services at the outpatient department, Suanprung Psychiatric Hospital between June to July 2020. Data was collected using self-report and analyzed by descriptive statistics, Pearson’s product-moment correlation coefficients, and Cronbach’s alpha coefficient.

Results:  The content validity of Advance Warning of Relapse Questionnaire: Thai Version was 0.87, Corrected Item-Total Correlation was more than 0.30, and Cronbach’s alpha coefficient for all scale was 0.92.

Conclusion: The Advance Warning of Relapse Questionnaire: Thai Version has validity and reliability for assessing the warning of relapse signs of patients with alcohol dependence. This instrument can be applied for monitoring patients with alcohol dependence after hospital discharge.



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How to Cite
Khuwuthyakorn, P., & ratsamesuwiwat, J. (2022). Reliability and Validity of Advance Warning of Relapse Questionnaire : Thai Version. Academic Psychiatry and Psychology Journal, 38(1), 30–43. retrieved from
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