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Objective: To examine the relationships among gender roles, attachment, and self-compassion in undergraduates.
Materials and methods: This was a cross-sectional study, which was carried out from March to May 2020. Participants were 199 undergraduates in Bangkok Metropolitan Region. Instruments were (1) Gender Roles Inventory (GRI) (2) Experiences in Close Relationships—Relationship Structures Questionnaire (ECR-RS) (3) Self-Compassion Scale – Short Form (SCS-SF). Pearson’s product moment correlation and multiple regression analyses were used to analyse the data.
Results: Masculinity and femininity were a very weak positive correlated with self-compassion (r = .22) (r = .185) while anxiety attachment and avoidance attachment were significantly and slightly negatively correlated with self-compassion (r = -.318) (r = -.346). Masculinity, femininity, anxiety attachment and avoidance attachment significantly predicted self-compassion and accounted for 21.7 percent of the total variance (adjusted R2 = .217, p < .001). Avoidance attachment and anxiety attachment significantly predicted self-compassion (p < .001).
Conclusion: Anxiety attachment and avoidance attachment significantly predicted self-compassion while gender roles were a very weak positive correlated with self-compassion.
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