Personality Traits Predicting Attitudes toward Sports-Betting among Youths in Ibadan, Nigeria

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Olusola Ayandele
Olufemi K Aramide


Objective: This research aims at studying attitudes toward sports betting and investigating the relationship between demographic variable, personality traits and attitudes toward sports betting among a sample of Nigerian youths in Ibadan metropolis.

Method: Cross-sectional data on personality traits and attitudes toward sports betting were obtained from a convenient sample of 931 (56.1% male, Mean age = 21.78, SD = 2.85) respondents at The Polytechnic, Ibadan, Nigeria between January and February 2019. The 20-item mini International Personality Item Pool (Mini-IPIP) and modified 8-item Attitudes towards Gambling Scales (ATGS-8) accessed personality traits and attitudes toward sports betting, respectively.

Results: The mean ATGS-8 score for all respondents is 23.8, which is to the negative side of the neutral point of 24. Bivariate correlations indicated significant relationships among the variables and a multivariate analysis revealed that openness, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness and neuroticism jointly predicted attitudes toward sports betting (R = .22; R2 = .05; F (5,889) = 8.54; P<.01) and contributed 5% of the change observed in attitudes toward sports betting. Only extroversion (β = .21, t=6.14, p<01) emerged as independent predictor of attitudes toward sports betting among youths in Ibadan, Nigeria while openness, conscientiousness, agreeableness and neuroticism were not independent predictors of the attitudes toward sports betting among youths in Ibadan, Nigeria.

Conclusion: Youths in Ibadan, Nigeria have slightly negative attitudes toward sports betting. Extroversion trait is a significant predictor of attitudes toward sports betting. Findings were discussed in line with existing literature and recommendations and suggestions for further studies were made.

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How to Cite
Ayandele, O., & Aramide, O. K. (2019). Personality Traits Predicting Attitudes toward Sports-Betting among Youths in Ibadan, Nigeria. Academic Psychiatry and Psychology Journal, 36(1), 64–76. retrieved from
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