Maternal and child health handbook: Utilization and lessons learned from selected evidence-based studies

Main Article Content

Shafi U. Bhuiyan
Housne A. Begum
April Siwon Lee
Yi Wen Shao


The MCH handbook  MCHHB) is a  home-based  health record for both mother and  child. It records the  health  condition of the mother  throughout pregnancy, delivery, and  the  postnatal   period, as well as the condition of the child such as  immunization records and  growth  monitoring. This review  addresses the  various uses of MCH Handbooks in different selected  countries  since 1980. In addition, the objective is also to provide an updated overview of the lessons learned from  selected evidence-based studies.  Literature was  reviewed using  appropriate  search  terms in Pubmed and Ovid medline databases and narratively reported the findings of  the included studies.

Studies from different countries on impact of MCH handbook showed that the intervention  increased antenatal  care (ANC) attendance, delivery  with skilled birth attendants (SBAs) and delivery at  a  health facility, even after  adjusting  for maternal age, education and economic  conditions. The qualitative  data  also indicated that the handbook was well received and  culturally  appropriate.

The MCH handbook is a reasonable  and superior alternative to current card-type maternal   records and also supportive to continuum of care to ensure better health for mothers and children.

Article Details

How to Cite
Bhuiyan SU, Begum HA, Lee AS, Shao YW. Maternal and child health handbook:: Utilization and lessons learned from selected evidence-based studies. J Public Hlth Dev [internet]. 2017 Sep. 7 [cited 2025 Mar. 17];15(2):87-100. available from:
Review articles
Author Biographies

Shafi U. Bhuiyan, University of Toronto and Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada

University of Toronto and Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada

April Siwon Lee, University of Toronto,Toronto, Canada

DLSPH., University of Toronto, Canada

Yi Wen Shao, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada

DLSPH., University of Toronto, Canada