Antibiotics use, resistance and self-medication practices among healthcare workers in a federal teaching hospital in southwest, Nigeria 10.55131/jphd/2024/220125

Main Article Content

John Olujide Ojo
Tope Michael Ipinnimo
Blessing Omobolanle Osho
Oluwafemi Ipinnimo
Oluyemi Aduke Ogundun


Antimicrobial resistance is a major threat to global health, and inappropriate drug use, including antibiotic self-medication, has been identified as an important factor in developing countries. This study assessed the knowledge, and attitude of antibiotic use and antibiotics resistance, as well as the practice of self-medication among healthcare workers. This is a cross-sectional study conducted in a federal teaching hospital in Southwest, Nigeria among 320 healthcare workers selected through a two-stage sampling technique. A thirty-four-item self-administered semi-structured questionnaire adapted from the questionnaire on antibiotic resistance: multi-country public awareness survey by the WHO was used for data collection. Descriptive statistics, cross-tabulation and logistic regression were carried out using SPSS version 25.0. The mean ±SD age of the participants was 36.3 ±9.2years and over one-third (37.5%) of them had 6-10years of experience. About two-thirds (66.3%) of the participants had good knowledge about antibiotic use and resistance while only 39.4% had positive attitudes. The prevalence of self-medication with antibiotics was 30%. The identified positive predictors of antibiotics self-medication included having primary education (AOR:5.874, 95%CI:1.020-33.836) compared with tertiary education, poor knowledge (AOR:1.683, 95%CI:1.015-2.789) compared with good knowledge about antibiotic use and resistance as well as negative attitude (AOR:1.861, 95%CI:1.102-3.143) compared with a positive attitude towards antibiotic use and resistance. The level of knowledge and attitude in this study was suboptimal. Self-medication was linked with a lower level of education, poor knowledge, and a negative attitude. Therefore, we recommend the provision of appropriate health education to promote the rational use of antibiotics.

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How to Cite
Ojo JO, Ipinnimo TM, Osho BO, Ipinnimo O, Ogundun OA. Antibiotics use, resistance and self-medication practices among healthcare workers in a federal teaching hospital in southwest, Nigeria: 10.55131/jphd/2024/220125. J Public Hlth Dev [internet]. 2024 Mar. 5 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];22(1):336-4. available from:
Short Report
Author Biographies

John Olujide Ojo, Department of Community Medicine, Federal Teaching Hospital, Ido-Ekiti, Nigeria

Department of Community Medicine, Federal Teaching Hospital, Ido-Ekiti, Nigeria

Department of Community Medicine, Afe Babalola University, Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria

Tope Michael Ipinnimo, Department of Community Medicine, Federal Teaching Hospital, Ido-Ekiti, Nigeria

Department of Community Medicine, Federal Teaching Hospital, Ido-Ekiti, Nigeria

Blessing Omobolanle Osho, Department of Public Health, Kwara State University, Molete, Nigeria.

Department of Public Health, Kwara State University, Molete, Nigeria.

Oluwafemi Ipinnimo, University of Lagos, Nigeria.

University of Lagos, Nigeria.

Oluyemi Aduke Ogundun, Osun State Primary Healthcare Board, Osogbo, Nigeria.

Osun State Primary Healthcare Board, Osogbo, Nigeria.


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