Effectiveness of self-massage combined with a health education program using the self-efficacy theory in reducing peripheral neuropathy among diabetes mellitus patients 10.55131/jphd/2023/210302
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Diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN) is a common complication of diabetes mellitus. It often causes impairment of sensory nerves, which can negatively impact functional mobility and quality of life for patients. Self-massage along with health education is one potential method to reduce the impact of DPN. However, to date there have been no studies examining such a treatment program. Our study investigated the effect of self-massage combined with a health education program using the self-efficacy theory on peripheral neuropathy in DPN patients. This randomized controlled trial collected data from 70 DPN patients. The participants were randomly assigned into two groups (intervention and control) which contained 35 participants each. The intervention group received 21 sessions of massage and health education (every other day for 6 weeks). The control group received only the normal program from the hospital. The participants were assessed for their peripheral neuropathy using Michigan Neuropathy Screening Instrument (MNSI) at baseline, after 2-week, 4-week, and 6-week. Generalized estimating equations were used to quantified the mean difference of scores of MNSI comparing between intervention and control groups for overall post measurement compared to baseline. The results showed that the mean of scores of MNSI for intervention and controls at baseline were 11.31 (SD = 1.36) and 11.24 (SD = 1.49), respectively. After receiving the intervention program for 6-week, the mean difference of scores of MNSI in intervention group reduced by 5.49 (95% CI: 5-5.98; p-value <0.001) compared to control group. Our study reveals that combination of self-massage and health education program based on self-efficacy theory can reduce peripheral neuropathy in patients with DPN. This outcome could be useful for healthcare professionals in improving the health of DPN patients.
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