Factors associated with burnout syndrome: a cross-sectional study among nurse anesthetists in Indonesia 10.55131/jphd/2023/210202
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Burnout syndrome is a very common psychological problem experienced by health workers in hospitals, including doctors, anesthesiologists, and nurse anesthetists. Burnout syndrome has a serious impact on health workers' performance and the quality of services provided to patients. This study aims to determine the factors associated with burnout syndrome among nurse anesthetists in Indonesia. A cross-sectional study was conducted in Indonesia involving 405 respondents selected using cluster sampling. A questionnaire was employed for data collection. Univariate analysis (frequency and proportion) was used to measure burnout, and bivariate analysis (chi-square) and multivariate analysis (multiple logistic regression) were used to determine the factors associated with burnout syndrome. This study found that the majority of respondents had experienced low levels of burnout, particularly burnout for emotional exhaustion (EE) at 76.8% and depersonalization (DP) at 64.2%. However, a high level of personal accomplishment (PA) was reported by only 53.1% of subjects. Furthermore, workload factors (AOR: 3.75) and social support (AOR: 0.52) were significantly associated with EE. The factors of workload (AOR: 2.27), social support (AOR: 0.59) and reward (AOR: 1.66) were significantly related to DP. Social support factors (AOR: 2.84) and interpersonal relationships (AOR: 2.28) were significantly associated with PA. This study concludes that the majority of nurse anesthetists reported burnout. Therefore, workplaces need to perform occupational health surveillance for early detection of burnout and health promotion programs to prevent burnout among nurse anesthetists.
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