Identifying the Factors Affecting Preventive Behavior against Covid-19 Transmission in East Java Indonesia 10.55131/jphd/2023/210118

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Prima Soultoni Akbar
Reny Nugraheni
Santy Irene Putri
Artha Budi Susila Duarsa
Asruria Sani Fajriah
Aris Widiyanto
Joko Tri Atmojo


WHO recommends washing hands frequently, staying away from crowds, maintaining a safe distance, wearing masks, applying cough and sneeze ethics, as well as keeping the sick isolated and quarantining those in close contact to prevent Covid-19 transmission. The efforts to prevent the transmission of new cases during the adaptation to the new habits with the implementation of strict health protocols need massive enforcement. It was an analytic observational study with a cross-sectional approach. The study was conducted in East Java with 1,564 participants involved by simple random sampling technique. The dependent variable was preventive behavior against Covid-19 transmission. The independent variables included attitudes, knowledge, family support, and health worker support. The data were collected by using a questionnaire and analyzed with multiple linear regression. The study demonstrated that attitudes (B= 0.07, SE= 0.04, p= 0.034), knowledge (B= 0.08, SE= 0.04, p= 0.050), family support (B= 0.12, SE= 0.05, p= 0.012), and health workers support (B= 0.37, SE= 0.03, p<0.001) increase the preventive behavior against Covid-19 transmission. The value of R2 = 0.388, marked that the variables of knowledge, family support, and health worker support simultaneously pose an influence of 38.8% on preventive behavior against Covid-19 transmission. While the remaining 61.2% was influenced by other variables not examined.

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How to Cite
Akbar PS, Nugraheni R, Putri SI, Artha Budi Susila Duarsa, Asruria Sani Fajriah, Aris Widiyanto, Joko Tri Atmojo. Identifying the Factors Affecting Preventive Behavior against Covid-19 Transmission in East Java Indonesia: 10.55131/jphd/2023/210118. J Public Hlth Dev [internet]. 2022 Dec. 24 [cited 2025 Feb. 15];21(1):239-4. available from:
Original Articles
Author Biographies

Prima Soultoni Akbar, Department of Medical Record and Health Information, Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Malang, Indonesia

Department of Medical Record and Health Information, Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Malang, Indonesia

Reny Nugraheni, Institut Ilmu Kesehatan Bhakti Wiyata Kediri, East Java, Indonesia

Institut Ilmu Kesehatan Bhakti Wiyata Kediri, East Java, Indonesia

Santy Irene Putri, Midwifery Study Program, Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi Malang, Indonesia

Midwifery Study Program, Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi Malang, Indonesia

Artha Budi Susila Duarsa, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Islam Al-Azhar Mataram, Indonesia

Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Islam Al-Azhar Mataram, Indonesia

Asruria Sani Fajriah, Midwifery Study Program, Institut Ilmu Kesehatan Strada, Indonesia

Midwifery Study Program, Institut Ilmu Kesehatan Strada, Indonesia

Aris Widiyanto, Nursing Study Program, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Mamba’ul 'Ulum Surakarta, Indonesia

Nursing Study Program, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Mamba’ul 'Ulum Surakarta, Indonesia

Joko Tri Atmojo, Nursing Study Program, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Mamba’ul 'Ulum Surakarta, Indonesia

Nursing Study Program, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Mamba’ul 'Ulum Surakarta, Indonesia


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