Adolescent sexual risk behaviors and participation in structured leisure activities (SLA): Role of socio-demographic characteristics and school-related behaviors 10.55131/jphd/2023/210101
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Adolescence is the transitional period between childhood and adulthood during which many physical, cognitive, social and emotional changes take place, characterized by an increasing interest in romantic and sexual relationships. During adolescence, young people enter into their first sexual partnerships. This may involve behaviors referred to as sexual risk behaviors. The aim of this study was to gain insight into the prevalence of sexual risk behaviors and to determine whether socio-demographic characteristics and school-related behaviors contribute to sexual risk behaviors among adolescents, independent of participation in SLA. The study was conducted from April to June 2021 in Croatia. The sample consisted only of students who reported having had sexual intercourse (N=702; 28.6%). Participants were between 14 and 21 years (46.3% female). Logistic analyses were conducted. The results of this study showed that socio-demographic characteristics make only a limited contribution to the sexual risk behaviors studied. However, it is evident that school-related behaviors are associated with sexual risk behaviors among adolescents, with slight differences depending on their participation in SLA. That is, better grades are a protective factor for sexual risk behavior for both those who do not participate in SLA and those who do, while intentionally skipping school is a risk factor for sexual risk behavior only for those who do participate in SLA. Even though the results show that some school-related behaviors are predictors of sexual risk behavior, it is not enough to implement preventive interventions only in school or leisure settings. It is important to intervene in all areas that influence adolescent development, because a comprehensive preventive approach that addresses all areas can have a greater impact on adolescent development. Therefore, it is necessary to plan comprehensive, evidence-based interventions targeting individuals and their environments, including SLA, to prevent sexual risk behaviors among adolescents.
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