Effects of job design and Generation Y nurse relations on Generation Y nurses, performance at tertiary level hospitals under the ministry of public health

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Porntipa Suparasri
Netchanok Sritoomma
Suchitra Luangamonlert


This predictive research was to analyze the effects and predict the job design and Generation Y nurses relations on Generation Y nurses performance at tertiary level hospitals under the Ministry of Public Health. The researcher developed the concept of job design and Generation Y nurses relations from the Human Resource Management Practice Model (HRMP) of Noe, et al.1 and adapted the concept of Task and Contextual Performance for Nurses: Job Performance Scale of Greenslade & Jimmieson.2 The sample was 429 Generation Y nurses assigned to in-patient wards. The instruments consisted of 1) job design 2) Generation Y nurse relations and 3) Generation Y nurses performance with five Likert scales. Five experts rated content validity with scores equal to 0.91, 0.93 and 0.95, respectively. The Confirmatory Factor Analysis showed that each model was congruent with the empirical data (CMIN/DF = 1.33, 1.25, 1.11, GFI =.97, .92, .99, RMSEA = .03, .02, .02, respectively). The data were analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics, which included independent t-test, Pearson’s correlation coefficient and multiple regression analysis. The results revealed that job design, Generation Y nurse relations and Generation Y nurses performance were at a high level (x̄ = 4.29, SD=36, x̄ = 3.91, SD=.48 and x̄ = 4.14, SD=.43, respectively). Generation Y nurses with different work experience had statistically significant differences in job design, Generation Y nurse relations and Generation Y nurses performance (p<.001). Job design and Generation Y nurses’ relations positively affected Generation Y nurses’ performance at β = .463 and β = .334, p < .001 and p < .001, respectively, which accounted for 51.50% (R2 = .515). Therefore, nurse administrators should facilitate study visits both inside and outside hospitals, provide adequate place importance on contextual roles and determine nursing policy on volunteering for additional duties.

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How to Cite
Suparasri P, Sritoomma N, Luangamonlert S. Effects of job design and Generation Y nurse relations on Generation Y nurses, performance at tertiary level hospitals under the ministry of public health. J Public Hlth Dev [internet]. 2021 Jan. 4 [cited 2025 Feb. 11];19(1):19-30. available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/AIHD-MU/article/view/244095
Original Articles
Author Biographies

Porntipa Suparasri, Ph. D. Candidate in Nursing Management Program, Christian University of Thailand, Nakhon Pathom, Thailand

Ph. D. Candidate in Nursing Management Program, Christian University of Thailand, Nakhon Pathom, Thailand

Netchanok Sritoomma, College of Nursing, Christian University of Thailand, Nakhon Pathom, Thailand

College of Nursing, Christian University of Thailand, Nakhon Pathom, Thailand

Suchitra Luangamonlert, College of Nursing, Christian University of Thailand, Nakhon Pathom, Thailand

College of Nursing, Christian University of Thailand, Nakhon Pathom, Thailand


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