Innovative mobile technology application to enhance healthcare and quality of life for senior citizens in Bangkok, Thailand

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Chusak Narkprasit


This research is aimed to explore the innovative mobile technology application incorporating smartphone (Apps), sport watch, mobile health devices, e.g. heart rate & blood pressure to enhance healthcare and quality of life for senior citizens in a district of Bangkok. The sample for this study was divided into two groups, one with active exercise and the other with less exercise. The questionnaires were designed to collect data on their demographics, health records, physical activity, and mobile health devices usage and skill. WHO’s quality of life questionnaire was also adapted to assess their quality of life. The population was between the ages of 50 to 70 with an average age of 61 years.

The research results indicated that all participants in this study were using the smartphone and at least one social network. Among the active group, 15% were using sport watch and 65 % were using mobile heart rate & blood pressure devices to monitor their exercise routine and health regularly. Concerning, health record, both groups showed 50 % cases of sickness. In the active group, 18% were found with non-communicable diseases (NCD), such as, Heart disease, Strokes, Diabetes, High blood pressure and Cancer; 15 % were found with bone-related sickness and 8% with allergy. The less exercise group was found with a higher rate of sickness with 31% NCD, 22 % bone sickness and 16% with allergy. For the quality of life (QOL), the active group showed a high level in all 5 aspects: physical health, mental health, social, living environment and sexual satisfaction whereas the less exercise group had lower scores in every aspect. There was a statistically significant difference (p<0.05) in the physical health aspect.

The innovative mobile technology could be applied to enhance healthcare and QOL for the seniors with active exercise and drive telehealth system.

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How to Cite
Narkprasit C. Innovative mobile technology application to enhance healthcare and quality of life for senior citizens in Bangkok, Thailand. J Public Hlth Dev [Internet]. 2020 Mar. 19 [cited 2024 Sep. 12];18(1):1-8. Available from:
Original Articles
Author Biography

Chusak Narkprasit, Graduate School of Advanced Technology Management, Assumption University, Bangkok, Thailand.

Graduate School of Advanced Technology Management, Assumption University, Bangkok, Thailand.


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