Factors of primary dysmenorrhea in junior high school students in South Tangerang City, Indonesia, 2018.

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Ni Made Shellasih
Fajar Ariyanti


Primary dysmenorrhea is painful menstruation that occurs without the gynecological disease, and it can spread towards the waist and thighs, along with pain, nausea, vomiting, headaches, diarrhea and can interfere with daily activities. In Indonesia, it is estimated that about 72.89% of adolescent experienced primary dysmenorrhea. This study aimed to prove the factors of primary dysmenorrhea in Junior High School Students in South Tangerang City, Indonesia, 2018. The design of the study was cross-sectional. Two hundred and forty-six students were taken by proportional random sampling. Data were collected by a questionnaire including personal information, prevalence, symptoms, degrees, handling and risk factors of primary dysmenorrhea. The result of this study showed that the prevalence of dysmenorrhea had 80.9%. The most characteristics of the students at age of menarche ≥ 12 years old (61.0%), length of menstruation ≤ 7 days (75.6%), with family history (69.1%), the less physical activity (58.5%), severe-extremely of the stress levels (52.0%), normally BMI (41.1%). There was a statistical correlation between dysmenorrhea to an age of menarche, stress levels, physical activity and family history of dysmenorrhea. There was no statistical correlation between dysmenorrhea to BMI and length of menstruation. The conclusion is dysmenorrhea commonly happen in junior high school students in South Tangerang City, which are determined by several factors, and it interferes with daily activities. Recommended for female students and the schools are more in-depth education related to reproductive health, especially to primary dysmenorrhea.

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How to Cite
Ni Made Shellasih, Ariyanti F. Factors of primary dysmenorrhea in junior high school students in South Tangerang City, Indonesia, 2018. J Public Hlth Dev [internet]. 2020 Apr. 2 [cited 2025 Feb. 10];18(1):73-8. available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/AIHD-MU/article/view/229298
Short Report
Author Biographies

Ni Made Shellasih, Department of Public Health, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University, Jakarta, Indonesia

Department of Public Health, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University, Jakarta, Indonesia

Fajar Ariyanti, Department of Public Health, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University, Jakarta, Indonesia

Ph.D., Department of Public Health, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta


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