Self-Care Strategies for Counseling Psychologist


  • Kittitat Sangsong Faculty of Psychology, Saint Louis College
  • Phattarakorn Muksrinak Faculty of Psychology, Saint Louis College


Self-care, Counseling, Counselor


Self-care refers to the practices individuals engage in to maintain or enhance their own health, happiness, and well-being, especially during times of pressure. It is a crucial component in preventing, managing, or mitigating stress and its associated adverse effects that may arise in demanding work environments. For counseling psychologists, self-care is essential, as it enables them to maintain energy and happiness effectively. It is vital for counseling psychologists to uphold and promote optimal well-being in their physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects, ensuring they meet their professional responsibilities without impairment. Without proper self-care, counseling psychologists may experience stress, compassion fatigue, and burnout, which hinder their ability to provide effective services. Self-care for counseling psychologists is divided into six domains: 1. Physical self-care 2. Professional self-care 3. Relational Self-Care 4. Emotional Self-Care 5. Psychological self-care 6. Spiritual self-care. These six areas of self-care guide counseling psychologists in adopting self-care practices that prevent workrelated impairments and negative impacts on their physical health, mental health, life satisfaction, work performance, and social interactions.


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How to Cite

Sangsong, K., & Muksrinak, P. (2024). Self-Care Strategies for Counseling Psychologist. Journal of Health and Health Management, 10(2), 12–25. Retrieved from



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