Leadership of Nursing Administrators in the Crisis of COVID-19: Delphi Technique


  • Rin Namkhayan Faculty of Nursing, Saint Louis College
  • Panta Apiruknapanond Faculty of Nursing, Saint Louis College
  • Suwanna Anusanti Faculty of Nursing, Saint Louis College


Leadership of nursing administrators, COVID-19 crisis, Delphi technique


This qualitative research used the Delphi technique. The purpose of the study is leadership styles and leadership characteristics of nursing administrators during the COVID-19 crisis situation. The samples were 21 experts who is administrator or manager on the pandemic COVID-19. Samples were selected by purposive sampling which consisted of 3 doctors providing care for COVID-19 patients, 2 heads of nursing in government hospitals, 3 nursing managers in private hospitals, 7 supervisors and head wards of government hospitals, and 6 supervisors and head wards of private hospitals. The research instruments consisted of a semi-structured interview form and a 5-level rating scales questionnaire on leadership styles and leadership characteristics of nursing administrators. Data were analyzed by content analysis method, median, and interquartile The research results found that: 1. Leadership styles of nursing administrators during the COVID-19 crisis consists of leadership according to the situation, including: 1) 7 items of directive leadership 2) 6 items of leadership selling ideas 3) 6 items of participatory leadership and 4) 7 items of distributed leadership and 6 items of transformational leadership. 2. Leadership characteristics of nursing administrators during the COVID-19 crisis consists of 4 areas: 1) 10 items of self-leadership 2) 9 items of thinking process leadership 3) 10 items of leadership in relationships with others, and 4) 7 items of digital leadership.


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How to Cite

Namkhayan, R., Apiruknapanond, P., & Anusanti, S. (2024). Leadership of Nursing Administrators in the Crisis of COVID-19: Delphi Technique. Journal of Health and Health Management, 10(2), 64–76. Retrieved from https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/slc/article/view/269760



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