Effect of the Modified Oral Stimulation Intervention with Breast Feeding on Feeding Performance and Body Weight in Preterm Infants
Modified oral stimulation intervention 8 stages, preterm newborns, suckling performanceAbstract
The purposes of this quasi-experimental research were to compare: 1) feeding performance between preterm newborns who received a modified oral stimulation intervention with breastfeeding and preterm newborns who received breastfeeding without a modified oral stimulation intervention, 2) body weight of preterm newborns who didn’t receive a modified oral stimulation intervention with breastfeeding and preterm newborns who didn’t receive a modified oral stimulation intervention with breast feeding . The sample group were 42 preterm newborns (control group 21, experimental group 21), with a gestational age of 32-36 weeks admitted to the preterm neonatal care unit in Saraburi Hospital, were purposively selected according to the inclusion criteria. The research tools comprise: 1) The modified oral stimulation intervention with breastfeeding with reliability 0.75, 2) The suckling performance assessment, The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test, and one-way ANOVA. The results were: There was a significant difference in sucking ability at the .01 level between preterm newborns who received a modified oral stimulation intervention with breast feeding and preterm newborn who didn’t. And body weight of preterm newborns who received a modified oral stimulation intervention with breastfeeding and preterm newborns who received breastfeeding without a modified oral stimulation intervention. There was a statistical significant difference at the .01 level
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