The Correlation Between Post COVID-19 Syndrome and Psychological Well-being Among Patients Who Have Been Infected with COVID-19


  • Worawan Tipwareerom Faculty of Nursing, Naresuan University
  • Nisakorn Pothimas Faculty of Nursing, Naresuan University
  • Sangduan Apiratanawong Faculty of Nursing, Naresuan University


Post COVID-19 syndrome, psychological well-being


This research aimed to explore the level of psychological well-being and the relationship between post COVID-19 syndrome and psychological well-being among patients who have been infected with COVID-19. The sample of three hundred and eighty-four were recruited by simple sampling method. The research instruments included questionnaires on demographic data, post COVID-19 syndrome, and psychological well-being. The content validity index was .81 and .83, and the Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was .82 and .86 respectively. descriptive statistics and Chi-Square test were used for data analysis. The results revealed that 84.4 percent of patients have been infected with COVID-19 had psychological well-being at the high level. The relationship between post COVID-19 syndrome and psychological well-being was statistically insignificant (chi-square = 1.508, p = 0.471). The results of this study highlight the need for clinicians to discuss post COVID-19 conditions and provide adequate support to alleviate stress in patients.


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How to Cite

Tipwareerom, W., Pothimas, N., & Apiratanawong, S. (2024). The Correlation Between Post COVID-19 Syndrome and Psychological Well-being Among Patients Who Have Been Infected with COVID-19. Journal of Health and Health Management, 10(1), 152–164. Retrieved from



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