Relationship Between Self-Care Behavior, Confidence in One’s Ability to Perform Self-Care, and Quality of Life in Patients with Heart Failure


  • Sunan Leeissarapong Independent Scholar
  • Pramote Saetan Faculty of Nursing, Saint Louis college
  • Porntip Channorm Faculty of Nursing, Saint Louis college
  • Warinthorn Damrongratnuwong Faculty of Nursing, Saint Louis college
  • Seangsom Supmontri Nursing Department, Rajavithi Hospital
  • Kampong Kamnon Nursing Department, Rajavithi Hospital


Self-care Behavior, Confidence in one’s ability, Quality of Life, Heart Failure


This study is a Correlation Research. The purpose of the study were 1) to evaluate the level of development of the quality of life, self-care behavior, and confidence in one’s ability to perform self-care among patients with heart failure 2) to study the relationship between self-care behavior, confidence in one’s ability to perform self-care, and the quality of life among patients with heart failure. The samples were comprised of a purposive sampling of 64 patients receiving care at internal medicine and specialized clinics of the Rajavithi hospital from August to October 2023. The research instruments consisted of personal data record form, the self-care of heart failure index version 7.2 (SCHFI – Thai v. 7.2), Confidence in one’s ability to perform self-care, and Minnesota Living with Heart Failure Questionnaire (MLHFQ) with reliability Cronbach Alpha of .73, .95 and .96 respectively. The statistics used to analyze data were Descriptive statistics and Pearson’s correlation coefficient. The research results were 1. The mean score for overall of the quality of life of patients with heart failure was poor (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 45.59, SD = 21.25). The mean score of the self-care behavior of patients with heart failure was fair (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 68.91, SD = 13.47). The mean score of confidence in one’s ability to perform self-care was also fair (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 66.72, SD = 19.85) 2. The quality of life of patients with heart failure statistically significant low-level (r < 30) related to self-care behavior and confidence in one’s ability to perform self-care (r = .28, p <.05 and r = .27, p <.05) respectively.


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How to Cite

Leeissarapong, S., Saetan, P., Channorm, P., Damrongratnuwong, W., Supmontri, S., & Kamnon, K. (2024). Relationship Between Self-Care Behavior, Confidence in One’s Ability to Perform Self-Care, and Quality of Life in Patients with Heart Failure. Journal of Health and Health Management, 10(1), 239–252. Retrieved from



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