The Effects of Social Support Combined with Foot Reflexology on Stress of Postpartum Mothers with Newborns Hospitalized in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
การสนับสนุนทางสังคม, การนวดกดจุดสะท้อนเท้า, ความเครียด, มารดาหลังคลอดAbstract
This quasi experimental two group pre-test and post-test design aimed to 1) compare the mean stress scores and physiological changes of postpartum mothers in the experimental group before and after social support combined with foot reflexology; and 2) to compare the mean stress scores and physiological changes of mothers after birth in the experimental group and the control group. The sample group consisted of 36 postpartum mothers whose children were admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit and recuperated during the postpartum period at Srisangworn Sukhothai Hospital, Sukhothai Province, divided into 18 experimental groups and 18 control groups. The study period is from July , 2023, to August , 2023. The instruments research includes social support plans with foot reflexology. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and the Mann-Whitney U test. The results found that 1) stress and physiological changes after the experiment was lower. 2) compare the mean stress scores and physiological changes of mothers after birth in the experimental group and the control group found that before the experiment, both stress and physiological changes were not different. After the 5-minute experiment, both stress and physiological changes in the group the experimental group was significantly lower than the control group. 24 hours after the experiment, both stress and physiological changes in the experimental group were significantly lower than those in the control group. Health personnel can apply social support in conjunction with foot reflexology. It is a guideline to reduce stress for mothers after giving birth.
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