Balance and Activities of Daily Living in Older Adults with Knee Pain


  • Suparat Phisaiphanth Boromrajonani College of Nursing Udon Thani, Faculty of Nursing, Praboromarajchanok Institute
  • Natthaya Chabuakam Boromrajonani College of Nursing Sanpasithiprasong, Faculty of Nursing, Praboromarajchanok Institute
  • Yanee Sangsai Boromrajonani College of Nursing Sanpasithiprasong, Faculty of Nursing, Praboromarajchanok Institute


Balance, Activities of daily living, Older adults, Knee pain, Arthritis


This correlational research aimed to study balance, activities of daily living, and a relationship between balance and activities of daily living in older adults with knee pain.  A simple random sampling was used to select 136 older adults with knee pain who received treatment and care at chronic disease clinics, Donghonghae Health Promoting Hospital and Pathum Health Promoting Hospital, Muang district, Ubon Ratchathani province.  Research instruments were the Demographic Questionnaire, the Time-Up-and Go-Test (TUGT) Record form, and the Barthel’s Index of Activities of Daily Living (ADL) Questionnaire.  Data were collected from October to November 2019.  Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and Spearman’s rank correlation coefficients.  Results showed that most participants (66.18%) were categorized as "good" balance.  The average time to complete the TUGT was 12.93 seconds (M = 12.93, SD = 4.01).  All participants reported independence in activities of daily (M = 19.58, SD = 0.77).  Moreover, balance is slightly negatively related to activities of daily living (rs = -.35, p < .01).  The findings of this study can provide preliminarily important data for planning nursing interventions to improve balance and ADL in older adults with knee pain.


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How to Cite

Phisaiphanth, S., Chabuakam, N., & Sangsai, Y. (2023). Balance and Activities of Daily Living in Older Adults with Knee Pain. Journal of Health and Health Management, 9(2), 166–178. Retrieved from



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