Factors Predicting the Participatory Health Management in Klong Phasi Charoen Waterfront Community
Participatory Health Managements, CommunityAbstract
This descriptive research aimed to study the participatory health management of people living in Klong Phasi Charoen Waterfront community and examine the relationship between predisposing, enabling and reinforcing factors and participatory health management. Sample size was 138, calculated using G*Power version Research instrument was a questionnaire including 5 parts: demographic data, predisposing factors, enabling factors, reinforcing factors, and participatory health management behaviors, which all were validated and approved by professional experts and The Cronbach’s alpha coefficient reliability of the questionnaire was tested yielding values of .91 and .954 respectively. Data were analyzed using frequency, percentage, Pearson product moment correlation, and multiple regression analysis. The research findings were as follows. 1) The majority of people living in Phasi Charoen waterfront community had participatory health managements at a moderate level ( = 3.06, SD = .571). 2) The predisposing factors, enabling factors, and reinforcing factors correlated with participatory health managements, were significantly positive (r = .409, p< .01, r = .577, p< .01, and r = .545, p< .01, respectively). 3) The enabling factors, and reinforcing factors together with these two variables, accounted for 36.4% of the variance in participatory health managements of living by the Phasi Charoen Canal (significance at the 1% level).
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