Effects of Using Information Communication Program on Anxiety of Orthopedic Surgical Patients, and Nurses’ Satisfaction


  • Woranan Rueangchot Nursing Department, Pranangklao Hospital
  • Gunyadar Prachusilpa Faculty of Nursing, Saint Louis College
  • Maleewan Lertsakornsiri Faculty of Nursing, Saint Louis College


Information Communication, Anxiety, Orthopedic Surgical Patients, Nurses’ Satisfaction


This research was a quasi-experimental research. The objectives were: 1) to compare the anxiety of orthopedic patients after using the communication program by providing information on the anxiety of orthopedic patients between the control and experimental groups, and 2) The nurses’ satisfaction after using the communication program for orthopedic patients. Sample consisting of 40 orthopedic patients which underwent internal bone fixation surgery divided into 20 control group and 20 experimental group including 20 professional nurses. The instruments used for data collection were consisting of two sets namely an anxiety assessment form for orthopedic patients and the satisfaction questionnaire of professional nurses per use of  communication program by providing information content validity was being verified by three qualified persons. Data were analyzed by using the Mann-Whitney U test and the satisfaction of the nurses by using  percentage mean and standard deviation.

The results shown that: 1) The anxiety of orthopedic patients between the control group and the experimental group after receiving the informational communication program was at a statistically significant reduced of .05.  2) The satisfaction of professional nurses by using the communication program for orthopedic patients overall was at the highest level


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How to Cite

Rueangchot, W., Prachusilpa, G., & Lertsakornsiri, M. (2022). Effects of Using Information Communication Program on Anxiety of Orthopedic Surgical Patients, and Nurses’ Satisfaction. Journal of health and health management, 8(2), 251–262. retrieved from https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/slc/article/view/257539



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