Effects of Using Change of Shift Report Model with SBAR Concept Towards Quality of Nursing, and Orthopedic Surgical Patients’ Satisfaction
Effects of Using Shift Report Model with SBAR, Quality of Nursing, Patients’ SatisfactionAbstract
This research was quasi-experimental design to study the effects of using shift report model with SBAR towards quality of nursing and orthopedic surgical patients’ satisfaction. The sample group consisted of 12 professional nurses and 60 patients the patients had been divided in to each 30 case for the control group and the experimental group. The instruments for collecting data were the nursing quality questionnaire of professional nurses and the orthopedic surgery patient satisfaction questionnaire. There were 3 experts to validate the questionnaire with CVI of 0.94 and 0.86, and Cronbach alpha with 0.86 and 0.90. Analyzing the data by using the mean standard deviation and pair t-test
The results are as follows 1) The nursing quality of professional nurses after the study had higher statistics statistical at 0.01 2) The satisfaction of orthopedic surgery patients of the experimental had higher statistics statistical at 0.01
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