Effects of an Activity Model based on Protection Motivation Theory on Rabies Prevention Behaviors of Grade four students in Chonburi


  • Mayurin Laorujisawat Faculty of Public Health, Burapha University
  • Aim-utcha Wattanaburanon Faculty of Public Health, Burapha University
  • Pajaree Abdullakasim Faculty of Public Health, Burapha University
  • Nipa Maharatchpong Faculty of Public Health, Burapha University


Rabies, Rabies Prevention Behavior, Model for promoting prevention behaviors, Protection Motivation Theory, Grade four students, Chonburi


This study is a quasi-experimental research. The research aims to study the effect of a Rabies prevention activity model based on Protection Motivation Theory on Grade 4 students in Chonburi schools. The two (2) groups: the experimental group and the comparison group were twenty-three (23) and twenty-two (22) students, respectively. The developed questionnaire was used to measure the results in three (3) different periods: prior activity, post activity and follow-up. The data were analyzed using percentage, mean, standard deviation, independent t-test, and repeated measures ANOVA.

The results found that students in the experimental group had mean scores of Rabies prevention motivation, especially Rabies perceived severity, with greater statistical significance than the comparison group (p < 0.05). When comparing the experimental group in the three different periods, it was found that the scores of Rabies prevention motivation, Rabies perceived severity, and Rabies response efficacy in the “post” activity period were higher than the “prior” activity period. The scores of Rabies prevention motivation in the “follow-up” period were also higher in the “prior” activity period. (p < 0.05). The results indicate that this study model can help students achieve higher Rabies prevention motivation, Rabies perceived severity and Rabies response efficacy. Moreover, after four (4) weeks, those variable scores were also retained at equal levels. As a result, these findings demonstrated that the study model was practical, useful, and revealing. Further study and development of Rabies prevention programs for young people with an emphasis on both online and onsite education would be invaluable.


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How to Cite

Laorujisawat, M., Wattanaburanon, A.- utcha ., Abdullakasim, P., & Maharatchpong, N. (2022). Effects of an Activity Model based on Protection Motivation Theory on Rabies Prevention Behaviors of Grade four students in Chonburi. Journal of Health and Health Management, 8(1), 43–57. Retrieved from https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/slc/article/view/254578



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