Factors Predicting Quality of Life in caregivers of Type 2 Diabetes patients During the Coronavirus 2019 Pandemic
caregivers of type 2 Diabetes Patients, Quality of Life, Coronavirus 2019 PandemicAbstract
The purpose of this descriptive research was to study the level of quality of life, factors related to the quality of life, and factors predicting quality of life in caregivers of type 2 diabetes mellitus patients during the Coronavirus 2019 pandemic. The participations were 145 caregivers of type 2 diabetes mellitus patients who were conveniently selected. Research tools were questionnaires that included the demographic data, Suanprung Hospital’s stress assessment form, stress coping scale, social support questionnaire, and the qualityoflife questionnaire. The content validity index of a questionnaire was 0.86. The reliability coefficients of each sub-parts were 0.89, 0.88, 0.76, 0.86, and 0.82, respectively. For data analysis, descriptive statistics and multiple regression were analyzed. The results demonstrated that the overall quality of life in caregivers of type 2 diabetes mellitus patients during the Coronavirus 2019 pandemic was moderate level ( = 86.42, S.D. = 17.90). When considering each aspect, it revealed that the quality of life in the environment was at a good level (
= 33.68, S.D. = 8.62). The quality of life for physical health (
= 23.03, S.D. = 4.45), psychological quality of life (
= 20.35, S.D. = 4.02), and quality of life social relationships (
= 9.35, S.D. = 2.87) was moderate. Moreover, the most factors influencing the quality of life in caregivers of type 2 diabetes patients were social support and coping with stress (P < 0.01).
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