The Development of the Program for Enhancing Ageing Readiness Preparation of the Middle-aged Adults in Mueang Pak Municipality, Pak Thong Chai District, Nakhon Ratchasima Province
The program for enhancing ageing readiness preparation, middle-aged adultsAbstract
The purposes of this quasi experimental research were to study the effectiveness of the program for enhancing ageing readiness preparation of the middle-aged adults. The sample were citizens in Mueang Pak Municipality Pak Thong Chai District Nakhon Ratchasima Province. They were purposively selected according to the criteria that: they were 40-59 years. Then they were assigned into the experimental and control groups, 22 persons each. The scales of ageing readiness preparation for the middle-aged adults with subscales of cognitive, attitudes and behavior were used as the research instruments. Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test for Match Paired and Mann-Whitney U Test. It was found that: 1) after the experiment and the follow-up period, the middle-aged adults in the experimental group had mean scores from the assessment of cognitive, attitudes and behaviors of ageing readiness preparation were statistically different from before the experiment at .01 level of statistical significance; and 2) after the experiment and the follow-up period , the middle-aged adults in the experimental group had mean scores from the assessment of cognitive, attitudes and behaviors of ageing readiness preparation were statistically different from the control group at .01 level of statistical significance. Finally, it can be concluded that this developed program was empirically proved to be effective for enhancing the ageing readiness preparation of the middle–aged adults.
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