Factors influencing Tuberculosis Preventive Behavior Among Myanmar Migrant Workers in Bangkok
Tuberculosis, preventive behaviors, Myanmar migrantAbstract
This descriptive predictive research aimed to examine the factors influencing Tuberculosis preventive behaviors among Myanmar migrant workers. The studied participants comprised 161 Myanmar migrant workers working and living in Bangkok. Data were collected between October 2020 to August 2021. The questionnaires were used to collect demographic characteristic, knowledge, perceived risk, perceived severity, perceived benefit, perceived barrios, perceived self-efficacy, perceived sources of information and health preventive behaviors related to tuberculosis and tuberculosis prevention. Descriptive statistic and stepwise multiple regression analysis were employed for data analysis.
The results revealed that health preventive behaviors of the sample were relatively good. There were 4 factors predicting health preventive behaviors, perceived sources of information (β= .31, p < .05), perceived barrios (β= .26, p < .05), perceived severity (β= .19, p < .05) and perceived self-efficacy (β= .17, p < .05). These four factors can co-predict and explain 36% of the variance on Tuberculosis preventive behaviors among Myanmar migrant workers.
It is recommended that nurses should develop the program to improve access to significant information among Myanmar migrant workers. Measures to increase their self-efficacy and perception on risk and severity of Tuberculosis should be emphasized. The guidelines to increase Myanmar migrant workers should be developed and tested for its effectiveness in further study.
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