Health problem and Quality of life of people who live around Saint Louis College


  • Oraphun Lueboonthavatchai Vice President for Academic Affairs, Saint Louis College
  • Duangduen Satraphat Faculty of Psychology, Saint Louis College
  • Sudarat Vongchulachat Faculty of Nursing, Saint Louis College
  • Nanita Pitplern Faculty of Nursing, Saint Louis College
  • Nareerat Kitiarsa General Educations, Saint Louis College
  • Wassana Rungrojwattana Faculty of Nursing, Saint Louis College


Health problem, Quality of life, Saint Louis College


This descriptive study examined the health challenges and overall quality of life of 161 Thai citizens residing in the service area around Saint Louis College, Bangkok, Thailand. Data on this sample cohort were collected from 3 questionnaires, using a content validity index of .89 and Cron-bach’s alpha coefficient for reliability of .93. Data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. Results indicated that this cohort reported their quality of life at 59.01%, mental wellness at 68.32%, and physical health at 61.49%. Conclusion. One of the most productive health-promoting activities during the COVID-19 outbreak was training small, manageable groups of community leaders to educate their citizens about general health care, prevention of contagious diseases, nutrition and exercises to promote the well-being of families and communities around St. Louis College.


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How to Cite

Lueboonthavatchai, O., Satraphat, D., Vongchulachat, S., Pitplern, N., Kitiarsa, N., & Rungrojwattana, W. (2022). Health problem and Quality of life of people who live around Saint Louis College. Journal of health and health management, 8(1), 220–232. retrieved from



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