The Effect of Application of Protection Motivation Theory and Family Support in Blood Sugar Control Behavior among the New Diagnosed DM Type II


  • Chainarong Naktes Master of Nursing Science, Mahidol University
  • Weena Thiangtham Department of Public Health Nursing, Mahidol University
  • Panan Pichayapinyo Department of Public Health Nursing, Mahidol University


New diagnosed DM type II, Protection motivation theory, family support


This two-group quasi-experimental research using pre-test, post-test and follow - up design, aimed to study the effect of the application of protection motivation theory and family supports in blood sugar control behaviors among the new diagnosed DM type II. The sample was 64 type II diabetic patients in Bangkok, who were equally divided into two groups: an experimental group and comparison group. The research was conducted over a period of 8 weeks, 4 weeks were allotted for the intervention and another 4 weeks were provided for follow-up period. The experimental group was given the programs which consisted of educational sessions in a group discussion on the 1st week and followed-up by telemonitoring on the 2nd and the 3rd week. Onward, the data were collected in the post-test phase on the 4th week and follow-up phase on the 8th week. The questionnaire had been developed by the researcher’s form related to prior literatures. All items are four rating scale questions (CVI = 0.92, Reliability = 0.90). Measuring was in the pre-test, post-test, and follow-up period. The statistical analysis was performed by using percentages, means, standard deviations, Chi-square tests, repeated measure ANOVA, and Independent t-test. The results found that the mean scores of the blood sugar control behaviors and blood sugar in the experimental group after the intervention were better than pre-experimental and the comparison group with statistical significance at p < .05.


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How to Cite

Naktes, C., Thiangtham, W., & Pichayapinyo, P. (2022). The Effect of Application of Protection Motivation Theory and Family Support in Blood Sugar Control Behavior among the New Diagnosed DM Type II. Journal of health and health management, 8(1), 89–103. retrieved from



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